Discovering everyday "joie de vivre" through food, style, and inspiration

Welcome! Join as we discover both spectacular and simple joys alike, remembering that life is a journey and it's up to each of us to make it special. Along the way, I'll share some of my original gluten-free recipes, book recommendations, DIY projects, style and decor tips, and plenty of inspiration. Thanks for visiting!

~ Kayla McGuire

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cashew Butter Cups - Recipe!

I had been searching (unsuccessfully, I might add) for quite some time for a Peanut Butter Cup recipe…except without sugar…and no peanut butter…and also gluten-free J.  Can you understand my dilemma?!  Finally, last week I took it upon myself to craft my own recipe, and not to toot my own horn, but it turned out pretty darn good!  Using a nut butter recipe I make often (modified from the Nourishing Traditions cookbook), I was able to create this delicious, creamy chocolate dessert.  Enjoy my Cashew Butter Cup recipe alone or topped with ice cream and a piece of fruit for some extra pizzazz.

Cashew Butter Cups
Makes 18 servings

Chocolate Base
¾ cup cacao butter, melted
1/3 cup cacao powder
¼ cup, plus 1 tablespoon honey
¼ teaspoon vanilla
2 pinches sea salt

Combine all ingredients until smooth.

Cashew Butter
2 cups raw cashews, soaked and dehydrated
1 big pinch sea salt
3 tablespoons honey
½ cup coconut oil

Combine cashews and sea salt in the food processor and process on low until a fine powder forms.  Add honey and coconut oil to cashews and process until creamy.

To assemble Cashew Butter Cups:

Using a regular sized muffin tin, fill each space about ¼ full with the chocolate base.  Place tin in freezer for 20 minutes or until chocolate is solid.  Remove from freezer and top with an equal amount of cashew butter (each space should be about ½ full at this point).  Place in freezer for 15 minutes.  Remove from freezer and let sit for 5 minutes; this will help loosen the chocolate.  Serve alone or topped with ice cream and berries.  Bon appétit!


  1. I literally laughed out loud, then read the first few lines to Travis. A peanut butter cup without sugar, peanut butter, or gluten? Sounds nearly impossible! Your recipe sounds great though. Kudos for creating your own! I bet it was really tasty. Looks like it! Do you use Pinterest? You should start putting some of your recipes on there.

    1. I just recently started using Pinterest but haven't done a whole lot with it. I may need some help navigating!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mmm, I definitely have to try these. Peanut butter cups are one of my weaknesses!

    1. Give them a try and let me know what you think!
